09 May 2007

At JavaOne!

I'm in SF at JavaOne this week. Have to head off to an Open Source SOA talk, but here's a quick post...

Maybe it's because I selected RESTful web services, Grails/Trails/Sails, and Closures, but I keep seeing people trying to catch up with RoR. They admit Java makes the easy problems hard (Neal Grafter's words) and want to develop more APIs and language changes that would give Java some of the same capabilities. I'd really like to hear more about JRuby and see if we can leave Java alone and admit that adding APIs isn't the same as using a different language.

Went to see the Java Posse live. They had giant foam hats, and talked about the keynotes which I missed. (I flew in yesterday morning, which meant being up 22 hours, and I couldn't stay up to get beers after the BOF with them :( ) It was great to see some of the industry rockstars yesterday. Hope today is as interesting.

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